Our Salmon Enhancement Projects
Club members are very active in the Goldstream hatchery contributing many volunteer hours in the ongoing operations of the hatchery.
As a result of the salmon enhancement activities of the Esquimalt Anglers there has been a significant improvement in sport fishing in the Victoria area waters.
Below, our Executive members are installing a new salmon counting fence in Craigflower Creek.
The Esquimalt Anglers are active in Coho enhancement on Craigflower Creek and operate a counting fence.
In the fall adult Coho are captured and counted and returned over the fence. To track our enhancement activities, we started tagging fry in 1997.
In order to assist with the acquisition of salmon eggs for Goldstream Hatchery, members of the club assist with the egg take at the Nitnat Hatchery.
In exchange, we receive Nitinat Chinook eggs which are reared at the Goldstream hatchery and then released in Sooke Harbour and this helps improve the summer Chinook fishing off the Victoria waterfront area.